I'm 62, and I still have nightmares about packing the kid's lunches and getting them out to the bus on time. I think it comes from this feeling, even to this day, of always being behind and trying to catch up. I still feel I am running behind everyone else, and just as I catch up, they have been standing there resting and chatting at the top of the hill, and I arrive out of breath, and they then continue on their way. I don't get to stop and rest, and look around and be part of the happy moments - until I throw a fit! :-) But, we shouldn't have to throw a fit!

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I can so relate. My only child just turned 18. I have always felt like I wasn’t “getting it right”. Then I saw his response to the question in the football program this fall - “what person has impacted you the most” - he chose me, as the one who has always had his back and challenged him to be his best. (I think his dad’s feelings were a little hurt…) The important things are what will be remembered at the end of the day, not the forgotten snack or the time you were late to pickup.

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